A Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) is a popular funding program that gives businesses access to cash now, based on past gross sales, current bank statements and expected future receivables. A MCA is not a loan in the traditional sense, but rather a tool that many businesses use to manage cash flow needs effectively.

By reviewing your company’s past financial performance, bank statements and estimates of receipts that will be realized in the near future, we are able to determine how much of a cash advance can be approved.

MCA’s help businesses of all industries with their cash flow positions, which gives them the opportunity to meet today’s expenses and continue to grow.

Arena Funding Source LLC offers MCA funding programs.

Arena Funding Source is not a lender in the traditional sense. We are committed to helping small to mid-sized businesses stay flexible and fluid in their cash positions when they need it most.

We have developed a no hassle and quick application process that is designed to get you an approval decision quickly. If you have been in business for at least 9 months with $25,000 or more per month in sales, contact us today to learn more about how Arena Funding Source LLC can arrange a Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) to fit your unique business needs. We also offer flexible payment terms, so you can set up the exact amount that will be withdrawn from your account on a daily basis.